Sing Books with Emily, the Blog

Paint Me Green and Call Me a Pickle, an Illustrated Song (soon)

Posted on: April 27, 2019


Paint Me Green and Call Me a Pickle is a silly new rhyme, a new tune, (soon to be illustrated) by Emily Gleichenhaus (aka Miss Emily or Mrs. G) for Sing Books with Emily.

It started in when the Gleichenhaus Family went to Colonial Williamsburg at the end of March 2019. The first day we arrived, we went to see a little play on the outdoor stage about the historical figure Hanna Snell. The guy who played the ship captain had my favorite line, “…paint me green and call me a pickle…”

My husband Charlie took a picture of me with the actor who said the line:

Image may contain: 2 people, including Emily Leatha Everson Gleichenhaus, people smiling, people standing and outdoor

I just loved that line and it’s been rolling around in my head ever since.


Rhyme and Tune by Emily Gleichenhaus for Sing Books with Emily

Paint me green and call me a pickle
Time to laugh, your funny bone tickle
Let’s have fun! Come out and play
Learn something new, make a beautiful day


Gratitude 4/25/2019
I just sat at my childhood roll top desk and made up a teeny little song called “paint me green and call me a pickle,” which will feature my Farmer Foot Drums with the tambourine stick and egg shaker stick attachments. Nostalgia and newness make for a fine afternoon. I’m grateful for the little spark of mirth and inspiration.

Come Sing Books with Emily

Sing Books with Emily
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Rhyme and Tune by ELEG for SBWE

Paint me green
And call me a pickle
Time to laugh
Your funny bone tickle
Let’s have fun
Come out and play
Learn something new
Make a beautiful day

Come Sing Books with Emily

Sing Books with Emily
Connect on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter

4/26/2019 Twitter Comment that I really appreciated!

Letter to Colonial Williamsburg and Failed Attempts to Share It

I’d thought it would be fun to share this as a charming little story with Colonial Williamsburg.  But they have made it very difficult.  Neither the story nor the picture would post to their Facebook page (though they invite people to share) and their CONTACT US comment page has a character limit so limited that only the first paragraph of my note would appear in the comment box.  I’m not a person to give up easily, though, so I’m storing the note here and will print it and mail it to them later.

No matter, I still love Colonial Williamsburg, even if they don’t love me back.


Dear Colonial Williamsburg,

My family visited at the end of March and we got to see the play about Hannah Snell on your outdoor stage. The ship captain (whose name I’ve not been able to easily locate online) had a terrific line, “Paint me green and call me a pickle.”

I’m a performing artist, musicologist, and blogger from Arlington, VA. I sing Illustrated Songs to kids and sometimes write my own little rhymes/tunes. That line from the play really stuck with me and it came out in the form of a little rhyme and tune which I sing with my green ukulele Hazel in the video.

When I was a kid, my grandmother had a friend who we called Aunt Mary Pickle. The line from the play also reminded me of her and I was further inspired to purchase a new GREEN soprano size uke from Outdoor Ukulele co. (for the purpose of taking with me on my beloved walks and when I travel, since soprano size uke fits perfectly in my suit case). Her name will be Aunt Mary Pickle.

Anyway, it’s such a little thing, but it makes me happy and it’s funny, and kids seem to be enjoying it. And it all started because an actor had a funny line in one of your plays.

By the way, my family loves to visit Colonial Williamsburg. We have come there with our kids since they were very little. We donate every year. We love the Tucker House as an amenity. We also appreciate the location you have for service members (my husband is retired from the Army). As a performing artist, I am always enthralled by the music and theatrical performances. I have trained (among others) at Indiana University Theater Department for undergrad, IU Music School, HB Studios in NYC, and Cabaret Conference at Yale University and have been a working professional performer for a long time, most recently with my Sing Books with Emily program. This is just to say that I am educated and experienced and always inspired and impressed with your offerings of both theatrical and 18th c. musical performances, as well as the presentations in the museum theater. My favorite ever was the travelling troupe outdoor performance of Moliere’s Scapin. We are still quoting an impromptu line from one of the actors who responded to a kid’s comment from the audience. Besides the creative staging and use of props and skill of the actors, maybe it was also the beautiful evening, being with my family (among other factors contributing to how memorable it was) but I’ve seen many performances in my life (all over the world) and really that was one of my favorites ever, so completely enjoyable! I’ve never forgotten it!

Attached is a picture my husband took of me with the actor who said the line. Could you respond with his name? I’ve written a blog post about this little adventure and would love to name him in the post. He was very funny!

Thank you,
Emily Gleichenhaus
Arlington, VA

PS: I tried to send this note to your contact page, but it has a character limit and most of text got cut off.

I also tried to post this to your Facebook page, but that would not post with the picture of your actor.

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Links to posts about songs for which I created some kind of original content (words, chords, arrangement, adaptation, tune, pairing)

The Sing Books with Emily Repertoire of Illustrated Song

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